task description:
Monday, 31 May 2021
task description: this is about mammals and dinsaurs and how the mammals survived so once upon a time there was mammals andthey were kinda fast and clever dinosaurs hates mammals.
Friday, 28 May 2021
Mulitplication table
task description: this is all about mulitiplication and it was super and i think it was kinda hard but i found out how to do my timetables it is like 2x2=4 and 4x1=4 it was super easy know to me because my beloved teacher mrs heyworth is really nice she made me do it.
Thursday, 27 May 2021
Wednesday, 26 May 2021
How to put on a class play
task description this is called how to put a class play it is gonna be fun if you put on a class play there are costumes you can wear and some people might watch you and it you will kinda be nervous if they watch u
Tuesday, 25 May 2021
My what if Planet
task description: my planet is red and i hope you like my picture thank you so much
Thursday, 20 May 2021
Wednesday, 19 May 2021
Photography Video
During Term 1, we learnt about photography in Creative Space. Here is a video of my favourite photos.
Descriptive words popcorn
task description: in word popcorn we were actully eating popcorn and describing how it taste feel and smell.
Tuesday, 18 May 2021
Monday, 17 May 2021
repeated addition
task description: here is called repeated addition it is time tables it is fun doing times tables learning and guessing it like 2x2=4 and 10x1=10 it like skip cxounting in 2s i hope you will know your times tables by now if your age is 15 or 13 u might all ready know but kids that aged 5 or 6 will probaly know so i hope you learn you times tables know who cares if you dont skip count BYE!
Thursday, 13 May 2021
task description: this is counting by 2s so its like 2 4 6 8 10 and 2 x 2 its like double so 2x2= 4.
the little old lady who danced on the moon
task description: the little old lady was dancing on the moon but she did tell everyone but everyone said that's impossible but at the end they hear music coming from the pond outside so they came outside and went to the pond they got shocked the moon was shining on her so they said it is true so they all joined her.
Wednesday, 12 May 2021
rocket description
task description: in the space rocket there are astronout that always goes to land on the moon and they always see other people sometimes and they always meet each other and eat ice cream together but some people could not breath cause they don't have helmet and another is that people will burn their self if they don't have helmet on and the last one is that you know when people have gloves they sometimes take it off and if they take it off their hands will freeze and they their whole body will freeze and did you know that the rocket ship can break into pieces and there is 4 systems first is GPS and second is that there is an computer to control and third is guidance and lucky last is payload and the moon does have something is called vast enormous and the little planet is earth and the biggest is sun pluto is not a planet but all of the solar systems is a planets go around the sun even earth so the sun rise and the moon go down its like dawn and if there is gravity in the moon and you bring food your food will suddenly float into the air and rocket ships have fuel and soon when the fuel is out it goes little and breaks into pieces and it will have deadweight and truster and in the moon had holes and dust the astronauts always goes there any astronauts goes there even if they go to the sun it's dangerous it’ll burn their face and nothing can defeat the sun venus is like the suns it it has volcano or hot stuff and you know people that doesn't go to space and they have a beach house and even they have a telescope to look through if there's an metor or an asteroid in the outer space but the rocket ship has a name and it's called space shuttle and you know uranus its the coldest place that's why no one is warm the astronauts have something with them to protect them it's called sattelite and there's an another one for gravity called floating and people will might choke it describes for the space because space don't have air in it they cant breath the end
Tuesday, 11 May 2021
past tense
task description: in this math is called past tense its like something that you have to fix the one that goes missing and it still means if its like not makes sense.