task description: i was making a movie called on the edge of the world day 1. it was really cool. so i really love the way if you reading my picture its cool if you think it is cool please comment down below here is my writing down here.
Tuesday, 29 June 2021
Monday, 28 June 2021
telling time
task description: it was so fun to learn telling time please leave me and comment and my picture is down here thank you for reading my blog.
on the edge of the world
task description: can you please leave me a comment and my picture is down here
Wednesday, 23 June 2021
telling time
task description: i bin working hard to get my maths done it is telling time it is something aout the time i hope you know about it please leave me a comment
Chatting To God
task description: please leave me a comment and right down here is my picture of chatting to god
Tuesday, 22 June 2021
Monday, 21 June 2021
Measuring capacity
task description: i was learning about like scinence its like something bigger or smaller like a millter or a liter i couldent know but i knew it myself now.
they boy's bomb
task description: so this is what i was learning the boys bomb that all but please leave a comment on my blog.
Friday, 18 June 2021
Thursday, 17 June 2021
Solar system
task description i was learning about solar system i watch each movie then i completed the task for each planet my fave planet was jupiter because it has 78 moons and it is larger then all the other planets but not the sun cause its is the largest around the planet.
Magic number wk 7
task description: i was learning arrays its fun to learn maths its like skip counting or just in 1 by the way please commet this.
the moon festival
Rata me to rakau
task description: i was learning about rata so rata was a man hew had 2 brothers his brothers are god of the sea and god of the wind rata wanted to make a waka and he didnt show respect in home or in school we do our karakia to pray to god and jesus in the end rata felt embarrassed.
Wednesday, 16 June 2021
Reading a schedule
task description: i was learning about my school on its like times so number 1 what time dose the school start 8:45 number 2 what time dose the school day end 2:55 number 3 how long is the school day 6:10 number 4 which break is longer by how much lunch 5cm longer which means on school day lunch time is longer them morning tea.
task description: i was reading a book called after school Activities so a girl was like making a play but talking about tennis.
Flying High
task description: there was birds around a girl six birds were around her and a roaring fire behind her she was floating a the fire was glowing the birds felt like snow.
Monday, 14 June 2021
The line out
task description: we were learning about 10 people playing rugby or tackle in a muddy day and there were bare tress it look like team blue and team red was playing together
Friday, 11 June 2021
Repeated addition In 2s 5s 10s.
task description this is called repeated addition i am smart at this but kinda smart i know all my times tables but sometimes i dont know the 7x2 i know i dont know that much but here it goes 1x1=1 2x2=4 i cant breath but i have more after Its even skip counting in 2s. like my multiplication.
Thursday, 10 June 2021
The planets
task description: i was learning about the planets my favourite planet is jupiter because it has 78 moons and it is so large it is even the 5th planet from the sun aside from the sun jupiter is a gas giant jupiter might have come into a star instead of a planet.
About me
task description: i was talking to my dad about my sisters birthday she turned 21 and she gots heaps of preasents and she acts like a rich sister but shes sometimes nice and half mean.
Wednesday, 9 June 2021
task description this is called skip counting in 2s i am kinda smart cause 2x2= 4 its in twos if you already knowed your smart already its like Multiplication
Tuesday, 8 June 2021
FiaFia Journal entry
task description: in fiafia was nice i was in the junior kapa haka group it was fun at night time
Friday, 4 June 2021
ARL rugby field
task description: thank you on my congratul ations you re very greatful thank you for this i love it.
Thursday, 3 June 2021
task description i was shopping for stuff for mrs Moala and me and Mr burt i gave my siblings my brother is an Ps5 my sister is an pop it mrs Moala got an book and i gave her chocolate and i gave mr burt an new shoes for football and i gave him a ball to play with his firends.
space Hoilday
task description it had space hoilday in a story so once upon a time there was 5 famliy member they went to space and they were going to planet fun but one they they saw something on the computer it was something coming towards them to hit them they saw it and said AN AESTEROID! they went back to earth but almost the children were sad but they saw a green planet they went to the green planet and they saw it was pretty very pretty and it had a beachhouse and big colorful waves.
Space day
task description: it was space day it had so much fun my space was jupiter it is biggest and it has 78 moons .